Bioshock Infinite Concept Art by Ben Lo
Bioshock Infinite just launched and as the name implied, really shock the world with gorgeous world, riveting character and really well thought gameplay mechanic. The reception of the game have been very very well, with many video game site and blog gives Infinite almost perfect score, even Polygonย givingย it 10 out of 10, huge success for the folks at Irrational Games.
With the world so big and beautiful, Bioshock Infinite needs good concept art as a base, and to make a good concept art, one need great concept artist. One of the concept artist worked for Irrational is Ben Lo, who currently work as a concept artist for Bioware Montreal. Originally from Toronto Canada, Ben was hired by Irrational to do environment concept art, but he also got his hands on Booker and Elizabeth, the two protagonists of Bioshock Infinite.